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Katelios - Kefalonia

The newly built Magnolia hotel is situated in Kefalonia’s tranquil southern inlet of Katelios, invites you to create cherished memories. It all starts with dramatic geological endowment of Kefalonia. Mountains, jagged coastlines, narrow valleys, subterranean rivers, majestic trees beautiful flowers. And in the heart of Katelios, sits Magnolia Hotel a place to stimulate all the senses. This place evokes all that Kefaolnia has to offer, Surrounded by fiercely handsome mountains on all side, save for the subtle coastline of Katelios. Magnolia seems to be a natural extension of Kefanolia herself.

Enjoy the beauty of Kefalonia

It could be suggested that natural beauty of Kefalonia, and the elegant design of Magnolia would be enough to satisfy our guests, but the Stroutzas Family would like to intensify this natural holiday experience with Magnolia’s own flavours, aromas, feelings, sights, and sounds to be absorbed into your memories.